
BIOL, 1406, Biology for Science Majors I, LC1


Instructor Name Michael Longmire
Building/Office Number Online Only,
Office Hours Room 120
        Mon-Thurs 8:00-840 other times by appointment

">Room 120
        Mon-Thurs 8:00-840 other times by appointment

">Room 120
        Mon-Thurs 8:00-840 other times by appointment

Virtual Hours
Office Telephone (409) 883-7750
Email Address
Course Schedule Building: Little Cypress Mauriceville HS (LCM), Room: TBA, Dates: 8/26/2024 - 12/11/2024, Days: TBA, Times: 12:25pm - 2:00pm

Course Description BIOL 1406 - Biology for Science Majors I (Lecture + Lab) 4-3-2 Fundamental principles of living organisms will be studied, including physical and chemical properties of life, organization, function, evolutionary adaptation, and classification. Concepts of cytology, reproduction, genetics, and scientific reasoning are included. Laboratory activities will reinforce the fundamental principles of living organisms, including physical and chemical properties of life, organization, function, evolutionary adaptation, and classification. Study and examination of the concepts of cytology, reproduction, genetics, and scientific reasoning are included. *Only offered during fall semesters. Course Identifier 26.0101 AC

Required Textbook & Materials
Textbook & Materials: Biology in Focus. (supplied by LCMHS)
Upon registration for classes, LSCO students are automatically charged $14 per semester credit hour for access to all required textbooks, lab manuals, lab codes, and electronic books on the first day of class through the Gator Book Pack. Information about the LSCO Gator Book Pack as well as responses to common FAQs can be found on LSCO's webpage. ALL STUDENTS WILL HAVE UNTIL THE SECOND DAY OF THE SEMESTER TO OPT-OUT OF THE GATOR BOOK PACK.

Every student MUST have access to the required textbooks by the week of class. The student will be responsible for all assignments given. Failure to have a text may result in being dropped from the class. Failure to follow instructions (written or oral) will result in penalties.

Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)

Upon successful completion of this course, students will acquire the following course learning outcomes:

Core Objectives

Student Learning Outcomes                 Course Activities and Associated Unit-level Student Learning Outcomes
  1.  To understand and apply methods and appropriate technology to the study of natural sciences.
  1. Laboratory usage of the microscope and appropriate equipment,  anatomical observations of specimens of protists, fungi, plants and animals.  Students demonstrate competency through written examination and assignments. 
  1.  To recognize scientific and quantitative methods and the differences between these approaches and other methods of inquiry and to communicate findings, analyses, and interpretation both orally and in writing.
  1. Students will learn the hypothetico-deductive scientific method and apply it to a written assessment where students demonstrate competency of scientific thinking and communication.
  1. To identify and recognize the differences among competing scientific theories.
  1. Class instruction, discussion, and assessment concerning theories of heredity, taxonomy, biogeography and evolution. 
  1. To demonstrate knowledge of the major issues and problems facing modern science, including issues that touch upon ethics, values, and public policies.
  1. Class instruction, discussion, and assessment to demonstrate knowledge concerning theoretical and practical implications of DNA technology, why science embraces evolution rather than non-materialistic mechanisms of origins, and environmental issues.
  1.  To demonstrate knowledge of the interdependence of science and technology and their influence on, and contribution to, modern culture.
  1. Class instruction and discussion on historical and current trends in science, specifically DNA technology, taxonomy, cellular biology, and evolutionary biology. 
Upon completion of the course the successful student will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following competencies and mastery of the associated learning outcomes at a level consistent with the achievement and performance expected for first-semester college freshmen:

Educational Competency
Associated Class Activities Associated Measures
Reading: Students will read effectively, analytically, and with comprehension. Activities: Students will read, analyze, and interpret readings from the course text and other materials. Measures: Discussion, assignments and exam questions.
Writing:Students will explain their ideas, express their feelings, or support a conclusion in understandable and organized prose.
Activities: Written activities include short answer questions, and written assignments. Measures:Short answer questions and written laboratory assignments.
Critical Thinking:Students will learn how to develop modes of thinking in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, evaluating, and justifying it.
Activities: demonstrate critical thinking skills as evidenced by the ability to analyze facts, synthesize factual information, and evaluate opinions in light of the facts presented throughout this course.
Measures: Written assignments, quizzes and exam questions.
Communication:Students will communicate effectively, in multiple formats and contexts, involving diverse viewpoints and people.
Activities: Written assessments, class discussion of course materials, and laboratory cooperative learning groups. Measures: Written exam questions and assignments.
Life Skills:Students will learn to develop habits of intellectual exploration, personal responsibility and physical well being. Activities:

  • habits of intellectual exploration:  Explore biological applications using logical thinking.
  • personal responsibility:students will attend class regularly, observe and conform to requirements of course policies and procedures, and will meet assignment boundaries and deadlines  
  • physical well-being: Assess consequences of lifestyle choices affecting human health. 
Measures: Studying the course materials; performance on written exams and assignments; attendance as measured by in-class assignments and/or activities.

Upon completion of the course the successful student will be able to demonstrate proficiency in the following competencies and mastery of the associated learning outcomes at a level consistent with the achievement and performance expected for first-semester college freshmen:

Educational Competency
Associated Class Activities Associated Measures
Reading: Students will read effectively, analytically, and with comprehension. Activities: Students will read, analyze, and interpret readings from the course text and other materials. Measures: Discussion, assignments and exam questions.
Writing:Students will explain their ideas, express their feelings, or support a conclusion in understandable and organized prose.
Activities: Written activities include short answer questions, and written assignments. Measures:Short answer questions and written laboratory assignments.
Critical Thinking:Students will learn how to develop modes of thinking in which the thinker improves the quality of his or her thinking by skillfully analyzing, evaluating, and justifying it.
Activities: demonstrate critical thinking skills as evidenced by the ability to analyze facts, synthesize factual information, and evaluate opinions in light of the facts presented throughout this course.
Measures: Written assignments, quizzes and exam questions.
Communication:Students will communicate effectively, in multiple formats and contexts, involving diverse viewpoints and people.
Activities: Written assessments, class discussion of course materials, and laboratory cooperative learning groups. Measures: Written exam questions and assignments.
Life Skills:Students will learn to develop habits of intellectual exploration, personal responsibility and physical well being. Activities:

  • habits of intellectual exploration:  Explore biological applications using logical thinking.
  • personal responsibility:students will attend class regularly, observe and conform to requirements of course policies and procedures, and will meet assignment boundaries and deadlines  
  • physical well-being: Assess consequences of lifestyle choices affecting human health. 
Measures: Studying the course materials; performance on written exams and assignments; attendance as measured by in-class assignments and/or activities.

Course Topical Outline


                                    The Study of Life                                                                   
                                    The Chemical Foundation of Life                                           
                                    Biological Macromolecules                                                    
                                    Cell Structures                                                                       
                                    Structure and Function of Plasma Membranes                     
                                    Cellular Respiration                                                               
                                    Cell Reproduction                                                                  
                                    Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction                                        
                                    Mendel’s Experiments and Heredity                                     
                                    Modern Understandings of Inheritance                                 
                                    DNA Structure and Function                                                 
                                    Genes and Proteins (intro to gene expression)                    
                                    Gene Expression (regulation)                                               
                                    Biotechnology and Genomics                                               
                                    Evolution of Populations                                                        
                                    Origin of Species                                                                   
                                    History of Life on Earth                   

Major Assignments Schedule

      Lecture exams will be given periodically during each grading period along with labs that will reinforce concepts discussed doring lecture periods. Exams will be annouinced well before they are given to give students adequate time to prepare. 
      Quizzes:  After I have given you notes I reserve the right to quiz you over that material to aid in your comprehension. These quizzes will be completed during the class time. You will never be allowed to take them from the classroom to be completed as homework.


                                            BIOL 1406-01 TENTATIVE LECTURE SCHEDULE

                                                                                      FALL 2024

                                    The Study of Life                                                                   
                                    The Chemical Foundation of Life                                           
                                    Biological Macromolecules                                                    
                                    Cell Structures                                                                       
                                    Structure and Function of Plasma Membranes                     
                                    Cellular Respiration                                                               
                                    Cell Reproduction                                                                  
                                    Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction                                        
                                    Mendel’s Experiments and Heredity                                     
                                    Modern Understandings of Inheritance                                 
                                    DNA Structure and Function                                                 
                                    Genes and Proteins (intro to gene expression)                    
                                    Gene Expression (regulation)                                               
                                    Biotechnology and Genomics                                               
                                    Evolution of Populations                                                        
                                    Origin of Species                                                                   
                                    History of Life on Earth                                                                                                                    

FALL 2024

                                    Scientific method
                                    Properties of water
                                    Use of the Microscope
                                    Diffusion & Osmosis
                                    Gene expression
The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus and to inform students of such changes

Final Exam Date

December 16, 2024 - 1:30 AM   Through  December 17, 2024 - 1:30 AM


Academic Honesty

Faculty who suspect violation of academic honesty, cheating, plagiarism, collusion, or abuse of resource materials may assign an academic penalty. Students must be notified of their right to appeal before the academic penalty is imposed.

Students subject to penalty due to academic honesty have the right to appeal the decision. Refer to the current LSCO Catalog for details on the appeal process.

Electronic Communication

LSCO students are required to use either their LSCO Blackboard account or their LSCO email account (Office 365 / Microsoft Outlook) for all electronic communication. In order to ensure the privacy and identity of the student communicating via electronic methods, LSCO faculty will direct students to use their LSCO email accounts rather than personal accounts. If a student has trouble accessing their LSCO email account, they should contact the LSCO Help Desk at (409) 882-3033 or

Attendance Requirements

Federal regulations require students who receive financial aid to have begun "attending" and participate substantially in each course for which they are enrolled on or before the official census reporting date outlined on the LSCO Academic Calendar. Students documented as "not attending" a course upon the census date are assumed (for financial aid purposes) to have not begun attendance for that course, negatively affecting their financial aid eligibility and disbursement.

Attendance in an ONLINE course is verified by substantial participation in the course on or before the census date published in the LSCO Academic Calendar. Substantial participation in this online course is defined as logging in and completing/participating in at least one requirement of the course. Note: Simply logging in to your online course does not constitute attendance.

Hybrid classes are a mix of face-to-face and online environments. Students will be expected to attend a certain number of classes as required by the instructor. (Include the policy on absences and tardiness.) In addition to classroom attendance, your weekly active participation in the online component (Blackboard and/or homework software) will be considered and expected.


Attendance is strongly recommended. It is very easy to get behind in the class and regular attendance is important.  Missing class, even for a good reason, does not excuse you from the material discussed on that day. Missing the class the day before a test does not excuse you from taking the test as scheduled

Make-up Work Policy

 If you miss a lecture or a test or other assignments  YOU are responsible for getting notes and handouts usually in Advisory just ask for a pass. If you miss an in-class project, with few exceptions it cannot be made up.

If you miss an assigned out of class project, you must consult with one of your contacts or me  for the information regarding the project.
Prearrangements:  If you know that you must miss a scheduled test or exam, you must make arrangements with me beforehand  (during Advisory)


Classroom Etiquette

Exam Policy

Exam/Test:  There will be a exam/test at the end of each unit.  The exams will cover material covered during lecture and from the text.  Exams will be Scantron.   Lecture exam questions tend to be true/false, matching, fill in the blank, multiple choice, short answer, and identification of structures.   I will not go over exams in class, but you will have the opportunity to look the exams over after they have been graded during Advisory.  I will not return exams or quizzes to you.

Final exam:  The Final Exam is comprehensive and will count as 20% of you semester average.

Responsible Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Students should use AI technology responsibly and ethically. This includes refraining from using AI to engage in harmful or unethical activities, such as generating false information, spreading misinformation, or engaging in malicious behaviors. The use of AI should align with the principles of academic integrity, honesty, and respect for others. Students are responsible for adhering to LSCO's Academic Honesty policy found in the Student Handbook. LSCO's full AI policy can be found at AI Policy | Lamar State College Orange (

Expected Time Requirement for this Course

For every hour in class (or unit of credit) taught in a 16-week session, students should expect to spend at least two to three hours per week studying and completing assignments. Example: For a 3-credit hour class taught in a 16-week session, students should prepare to allocate approximately 6 to 9 hours per week outside of class studying and completing assignments. For a 3-credit hour taught in a 10-week summer session, students should prepare to allocate approximately 10 to 15 hours per week outside of class studying and completing assignments. For a 3-credit hour taught in an 8-week session, students should prepare to allocate approximately 12 to 18 hours per week outside of class studying and completing assignments. For a 3-credit hour taught in a 5-week summer session, students should prepare to allocate approximately 20 to 29 hours per week outside of class studying and completing assignments.

Grading and Evaluation Method

Evaluation Method: Your final grade for BIOL 1406 will be derived as follows:  

            75%  Lecture grade
            25%  Laboratory grade  
            100% Final semester grade

Grading Scale
A = 90 - 100%     B = 80 - 89   C = 70 - 79   D = 60 - 69    F = Below 60


Instructor Response Time

The instructor will respond to emails within 24 hours, excluding weekends and holidays. On weekends and holidays, the instructor will respond to emails from students within 24 hours of the first business day following the weekend or holiday.

Participation Requirements

Weekly participation and engagement in the courses are critical for student success. Assignments should be completed by the due date. Students should also refer to the instructor’s attendance policy for additional information. (See LSCO Student Handbook, Class Attendance.)

Review of Test Grades

If the student has an issue with his/her grade, the instructor must be contacted no later than three (3) days after receiving the grade.

Student's Responsibility

This syllabus contains information, policies, and procedures for a specific course. By enrolling, the student agrees to read, understand, and abide by the rules, policies, regulations, and ethical standards of Lamar State College Orange as those contained in the current LSCO Catalog and schedule of classes.

Syllabus Content

The instructor reserves the right to make changes to this syllabus if deemed necessary. All changes will be provided to the students orally or in writing before the implementation of the change.

Textbook and Required Materials Access

Every student MUST have access to the required textbooks by the second week of class. The student will be responsible for all assignments given. Failure to have a text may result in being dropped from the class. Failure to follow instructions (written or oral) will result in penalties.


Mental Health Resources

TimelyCare is a virtual health and well-being platform that is available 24/7 for all non-dual credit enrolled LSCO students. There is no cost to eligible students for this service. TimelyCare’s providers offer emotional support, mental health counseling, health coaching, psychiatry, and basic needs support. Non-Dual Credit students enrolled in classes can log in to the TimelyCare website or app available at

Advocacy Information

Any student who faces challenges securing their food or housing and believes this may affect their performance in the course is encouraged to contact the advising office for guidance on how to identify possible resources. Please notify the instructor of your circumstance if you are comfortable doing so.

Equal Opportunity to Educational Programs

Lamar State College Orange (LSCO) is an equal opportunity educational institution and does not discriminate against any person regardless of race, sex, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, age, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status, in admissions, educational programs, student activities or employment. For further information about this policy, contact the Accessibility Coordinator at (409) 882-3393.

Title IX of the Education Amendments

LSCO prohibits discrimination, including sexual harassment and retaliation, against any student on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, disability, or any other basis prohibited by law. Any student who believes that he or she has experienced prohibited conduct or believes that another student has experienced prohibited conduct should immediately report the alleged acts to the Title IX Coordinator, Joseph Hargrave, at Joseph

Blackboard Resources

LSCO students will access Blackboard through the MyGator portal. Login credentials will use the following format: and Password. For help in identifying your Username/Password, visit

Blackboard student resource videos and help-sites are available at

Career Coach

Lamar State College Orange provides career advising services to all students and alumni through Career Coach, an online career planning tool. Career Coach assists students through all phases of developing, initiating, and implementing career plans.

Information regarding employment opportunities and career options are provided along with access to live local job postings. Full-time and part-time employment opportunities, as well as internships, are available through Career Coach. Visit for more details on how to use LSCO's Career Coach to plan for and learn more about your future career.

Gator Assistance Services

Lamar State College Orange provides currently enrolled technical students support for daycare costs as well as other services.

Visit for details on assistance services.

OASIS (formerly) Gator Success Center

Students are encouraged to make an appointment or walk in to receive tutoring, support services, or access to an open computer lab. Face-to-face and online supplemental instruction sessions are available to help students through any LSCO course. Reach out to for more information on how students can receive academic support.

Library Services

Students are encouraged to visit to find the library's current operating hours, access the catalog to locate print materials, and access GatorSearch to explore the vast electronic collection. The library provides over 77 electronic database collections that include eBooks, newspapers, magazines, academic journals, and streaming video. The physical library contains a specialized collection of research materials specifically chosen to support the degrees and courses offered. Additionally, Students with research questions or questions about library services are encouraged visit the library in person, call 409-882-3352, access the chat on the library webpage, or to email their question to

Student with Disabilities

Under the Texas State System, Lamar State College Orange complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, pertaining to the provision of reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids for students with disability. We strive to provide reasonable academic adjustments/auxiliary aids to students who request and require them.

Students who believe they have a disability requiring an academic adjustment/auxiliary aid are encouraged to contact the Accessibility Coordinator at (409) 882-3393 or visit the Advising Office. Students are encouraged to apply before the start of the semester when at all possible. The Accommodation Request Form and details regarding the appropriate documentation needed can be found here: Once approved, the signed accommodation form provided by the Special Populations Advisor must be submitted to the instructor at least two business days in advance of need.

Students with questions about the accommodations they receive in class should contact their instructor or the Accessibility Coordinator.

Upswing 24/7 FREE Tutoring Services

Lamar State College Orange provides currently enrolled students with access to online tutoring through a partnership with Upswing, an online tutoring platform. Tutors are available 24/7 online in almost every subject.

Visit for details on how to log-in to the FREE services.


Campus Closure

In the event of an emergency campus closure in excess of three class days, Lamar State College Orange's classes will continue via the use of Blackboard. In such an instance, the college website,, will have information concerning the event and anticipated re-opening plans.


Please be considerate of other classmates' feelings, ethnic background, cultural differences, situations, and level of maturity. Students will be asked to leave the course if disruptive or inappropriate behavior is exhibited in any of the course requirements. If your instructor feels that you have not contributed appropriately to course requirements, your final course grade may be reduced accordingly.

The instructor reserves the right to manage a positive learning environment and will not tolerate inappropriate conduct in the course. Rude correspondence (discourteous or impolite, especially in a deliberate way) in e-mails, telephone calls, in person, or comments made to other class members, the instructor, or the office staff.

Contingency Plans

Students should develop a backup plan should their computer system or their Internet provider fail. Computer or internet connectivity issues are not valid excuses for missing a deadline. The College provides many opportunities for using computer equipment, as do many public libraries. Refer to the LSCO website for operational hours of the Library and Success Center.

Credit Transfer

Students should check in advance with the institution to which they plan to transfer credit to confirm transferability. Refer to the LSCO Catalog for details on how to handle and resolve transfer disputes with public institutions of higher education in Texas.

Criminal Background Policy

LSCO awards some certificates and degrees in which a criminal history MAY disqualify candidates from becoming licensed, certified, and/or employed upon degree/certificate completion. Students with a criminal background enrolling in courses leading to a degree/certificate in Court Reporting, Criminal Justice, Cosmetology, Emergency Medical Technology, Massage Therapy, Medical Assisting, Vocational Nursing (VN), Registered Nursing (RN), Pharmacy Technician, Real Estate, or Teacher Preparation program are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to discuss the certification and/or licensing regulations of the program with the program director listed in order to learn more about the current guidelines related to criminal history as well as the right of individuals to request a criminal history evaluation letter.

Drops and Withdrawals

Never attending or ceasing to attend classes DOES NOT constitute a drop or withdrawal. You remain registered until you request a drop from the instructor. Failure to act in a timely manner will result in an "F" grade for the course. It is the student's responsibility to follow up with the LSCO advising office to ensure that all drops/withdrawals are processed as desired.

Grade of "Incomplete"

The grade of "I" may be given when any requirement of the course, including the final examination, is not completed. Students seeking an incomplete should have completed at least 75% of the course requirements and be passing the course at the time of the request. Arrangements to complete deficiencies in a course should be made in advance of the end of the semester with the instructor. The instructor will process the Incomplete form online, and a confirmation will be sent to the student's LSCO email.

Incomplete work must be finished during the next long semester. If not, the Office of Admission and Records must change the "I" grade to the grade of "F." The course must then be repeated if credit is desired. An "I" grade also automatically becomes an "F" if the student registers for the course prior to removing the deficiencies and receiving a grade change. The instructor may record the grade of "F" for a student who is absent from the final examination and is not passing the course.

Grade Appeals (Complaints Related to Earned Grades)

Grade determination and awarding of grades in a course are the responsibility of the instructor and should be calculated according to college policy, procedures, and written details provided in the course syllabus. NOTE: Final grades are available to students within 48 hours of the instructor posting the grade in Banner. Students may view final grades by logging into MyGator and then accessing Gator Self-Service.

An academic appeal process is afforded to students who desire to dispute a grade or any decision that affects the student's ability to complete and earn a grade for the course provided it is not related to a violation outlined in the LSCO Student Code of Conduct. If an informal conference with the faculty member regarding an academic complaint fails to reach the outcome requested by the student, the student may initiate the formal process outlined below. Even after initiating the formal complaint process, students are encouraged to seek informal resolution of their concerns. A student whose concerns are resolved may withdraw a formal complaint at any time.

Refer to the current catalog or for details on the formal grade appeal process.

Institutional Educational Goals

Lamar State College Orange has identified seven educational goals to specify the knowledge and skills that students should gain from completing academic and technical programs with the College. These goals are:

  1. Critical thinking (General Education, Technical) - Students will be able to demonstrate creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis of information.
  2. Communication (General Education, Technical) - Students will be able to effectively develop, interpret and express of ideas through written, oral and visual communication.
  3. Empirical and quantitative skills (General Education, Technical) - Students will be able to manipulate and analyze numerical data or observable facts and create informed conclusions.
  4. Teamwork (General Education, Technical) - Students will be able to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared purpose or goal.
  5. Social responsibility (General Education, Technical) - Students will be able to recognize and acquire a sense of intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national and global communities.
  6. Personal responsibility (General Education, Technical) - Students will be able to connect choices, actions, and consequences to ethical decision-making.
  7. Professional competency (Technical) - Students will be able to recognize or demonstrate skills and that depict professional values and employability. If the career has licensure or certification requirements, students may prepare for the licensure and certification in a capstone course and sit for the licensure or certificate at the end of the program.

MyGator and Log-In Credentials

Current students will access many LSCO applications through the MyGator portal. Login credentials will use the following format: For help in identifying your username/Password, visit

It is a violation of College policy, state laws, and federal laws for anyone to gain or help others gain unauthorized access to MyGator or any LSCO application or service. All accounts shall be for use by a single individual - the person for whom the account was approved or assigned. This includes Blackboard accounts as well as any application within MyGator. Sharing or loaning accounts is strictly prohibited, can be construed as a form of cheating, and violates College policy, state laws, and federal laws.

Policies and Procedures

LSCO adheres to the policies and procedures established in the Texas Education Code, Texas State University System Rules and Regulations, LSCO Administrative Policies and Procedures Manual, LSCO Faculty Handbook, and LSCO Catalog.

Prohibited Items in the Classroom

No food or tobacco (including smokeless) products are allowed in the classroom. Only students enrolled in the course are allowed in the classroom, except by special instructor permission. It is inappropriate for minor children to be on campus due to the potential liability to the College, the risk of harm to the children, and decreased employee productivity due to distractions and disruptions.

Student Complaints (excluding Safety, Harassment, or Title IX)

Student-Staff and Student-Instructor Complaint Process excluding Safety, Harassment, or Title IX

LSCO believes that all matters involving a staff member (non-instructor) OR an instructor are best resolved directly with the employee. Should it not be resolved at that level, access and complete the Student Complaint Intake form within five (5) business days from the date of the offense. The Student Complaint Intake Form can be found in any of these locations:

After a student completes the Student Complaint Intake Form, they will be contacted by an LSCO employee unrelated to the offense and provided guidance on how to proceed with the Complaint process.

Refer to the LSCO Catalog (Student Services, Complaints) for details on the complaint process.

Student Complaints (involving Safety, Harassment, or Title IX)

Student-Staff and Student-Instructor Complaint Process involving Safety, Harassment, or Title IX:

Students who have experienced a safety, harassment, or title IX event should access and complete the Title IX/Clery: Anonymous Reporting Form found in any of these locations:

After a student completes the intake form, they will be contacted by an LSCO employee and provided guidance on how to proceed.

Refer to the LSCO Catalog (Student Services, Complaints) for details on the complaint process.

Student Privacy

The privacy of all students, including Distance Education students, is protected through strict adherence to the rules of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act. LSCO's statement regarding the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act can be found in LSCO's Catalog. Additional information regarding privacy for Distance Education students can be found in the Distance Education Handbook.